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Dragon Age The Veilguard: spunta la possibile lista trofei!

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Tra poco più di due settimane ci sarà il lancio ufficiale di Dragon Age: The Veilguard, action RPG sviluppato da BioWare e pubblicato da Electronic Arts. Nel mentre in rete è stata già “leakata” la lista dei trofei (o Achievement e Obiettivi in base alla piattaforma da cui giocate).

Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dove trovare e cosa comprendono i trofei (Allerta Spoiler)

La lista di trofei (premettendo che non è detto sia affidabile al 100%) è comparsa sulla pagina del sito Exophase.com e potrebbe contenere grossi spoiler riguardanti i trofei che prevedono il completamento di determinate missioni principali o scelte di trama fondamentali. Il nostro consiglio, per chi vuole salvaguardarsi l’esperienza di gioco, naturalmente è di non andare a vedere nulla e godersi l’avventura nel Thedas priva di qualsiasi spoiler.
Senza entrare nei dettagli della trama, come ci si potrebbe aspettare, i trofei non si limiteranno solo agli eventi della trama principale. Saranno presenti obiettivi legati al potenziamento di abilità o del personaggio, oltre ai tanto odiati (o forse anche amati da qualcuno) collezionabili da raccogliere. Non mancheranno inoltre trofei basati su azioni specifiche durante le battaglie, il tutto per offrire una sfida più longeva e variegata ai giocatori.

Di seguito la lista completa di ogni singolo trofeo (riportata in lingua inglese non sapendo come verrà poi adattata in italiano):

  • A Complete Deck
  • Made trouble, saved the world.
  • Part 1: The Minrathous Job
  • Technically, the plan worked.
  • Part 2: Ruin’s Reach
  • Made unexpected acquaintances in the most unusual of places.
  • Part 3: Awakening
  • Discovered a singing blade, and the awakening of ancient magic.
  • Part 4: Tevinter Nights
  • Uncovered a darkness etched deep into the streets of Minrathous and beyond.
  • Part 5: Anvallenim
  • Peeled back the shroud concealing a cult’s dark movements and gained some valuable insight.
  • Part 6: Old Blood, Older Oaths
  • Faced a howling storm to discover a long-held secret, and found out what it means to be a leader.
  • Part 7: Fire, Feather, and Fade
  • Searched high and low to bring together a team unlike any other.
  • Part 8: No Sacrifice Greater
  • Practiced vigilance, found peace wanting, and witnessed the meaning of sacrifice.
  • Part 9: Bonds and Blackened Wings
  • Forged bonds with a family found amidst an unravelling world.
  • Part 10: The Blood of Arlathan
  • Followed a crimson trail weaving through the heartland of an ancient empire.
  • Part 11: As Shadows Fall
  • Tracked evil through the heart of Antiva, and found that light casts the longest shadows.
  • Part 12: The Best Tales
  • Ascended to the throne of would-be gods under the shadow of their legacy.
  • Part 13: The Last Gambit
  • The only thing left to lose is everything.
  • Part 14: The Dread Wolf Rises
  • Faced down demons, dragons, darkspawn, and even the Dread Wolf.
  • The Ones That Last
  • Beat the odds and walked into the sunset.
  • The Storm Quelled
  • The poisoned fruit ripens.
  • In Peace
  • Found hope in the aftermath.
  • No Real Gods
  • Drew out the latent magic in every Altar of the Evanuris.
  • Reflections
  • Helped an eluvian tinkerer find herself in a shattered world.
  • A New Calling
  • Helped a fearless Warden find his new calling.
  • Death Becomes Him
  • Helped an old necromancer define his legacy.
  • A Song from the Stone
  • Helped an expert scout forge a new path.
  • Blood Ties
  • Helped a master assassin slay his demons.
  • City of Shadows
  • Helped a seasoned detective uncover what lies in the shadows of her past.
  • Little Dragon
  • Helped a dragon hunter find the meaning of what burns inside them.
  • A Memory of False Gods
  • Witnessed the first memory of Fen’Harel.
  • A Memory of Our Mistake
  • Witnessed the second memory of Fen’Harel.
  • A Memory of Blackened Hearts
  • Witnessed the third memory of Fen’Harel.
  • A Memory of Manifestation
  • Witnessed the fourth memory of Fen’Harel.
    A Memory of Tranquility
  • Witnessed the fifth memory of Fen’Harel.
  • A Memory of an Old Friend
  • Witnessed the sixth memory of Fen’Harel.
  • A Rook Likes Shiny Things
  • Found at least 20 Mementos and returned them to the Caretaker.
  • A Rook Really Likes Shiny Things
  • Found at least 80 Mementos and returned them to the Caretaker.
  • Across the Imperial Highway
  • Visited every district possible throughout Northern Thedas.
  • The Talons of Vengeance
  • Aided the Crows in sending a message to any who claim Antiva from its people.
  • The Light in the Dark
  • Aided the Grey Wardens in finding what remains after hearts turn to ash.
  • The Soul of a City
  • Aided the Shadow Dragons in their fight to reveal the corrupted soul of Minrathous.
  • Annihilation in Arlathan
  • Aided the Veil Jumpers to avert disaster in Arlathan once again.
  • Call for Coin and Company
  • Aided the Lords of Fortune in seeking valor, glory, and companionship.
  • The Supernatural and the Strange
  • Aided the Mourn Watch in tracking down anomalies demonic, undead, and dangerous.
  • A Most Esteemed Purveyor
  • Few people are worthy of an invitation, you know.
  • A New Look
  • Changed the look of an item for the first time.
  • Between a Rook and a Hard Place
  • Performed five takedowns.
  • A Faction’s Favor
  • Upgraded a faction merchant for the first time.
  • Rune For Improvement
  • Socketed a rune for the first time.
  • Falling For You
  • Defeated an enemy by knocking them off a ledge during combat.
  • Nostalgia Trip
  • Tested for fall damage and survived in the Lighthouse.
  • Clear Minds and Open Hearts
  • Let fly your voice to Mythal.
  • Enhancements!
  • Fully upgraded a weapon, armor, and accessory to their highest level and rarity.
  • Stacking the Deck
  • Spent at least 52 points in Rook’s skill trees.
  • Bringing Down the Sky
  • Defeated all high dragons across northern Thedas.
  • The Unbound
  • Broke the seals containing an ancient threat and faced down what lied inside.

Ricordiamo che, pur essendo un sequel diretto del precedente capitolo Inquisition, Dragon Age: The Veilguard racconterà una storia nuova e unica e quindi potrebbe essere un ottimo punto di partenza per chiunque voglia iniziare ad approcciarsi a questa saga.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard uscirà il 31 ottobre 2024, (a conclusione di un mese da tutti considerato molto prolifico in quanto ad uscite), su PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X e PC.

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Articolo di: Pasquale Scudiero


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